Posen Papers in Contemporary Antisemitism

Vaturi A. Beyond Tolerance and Prejudice: Jewish and Protestant Responses to Violence in Post-Reformation Cracow. (Consonni M). Oldenburg: De Gruyter; Forthcoming.
Manuela Consonni, Liska V ed. Sartre, Jews, and the Other: Rethinking Antisemitism, Race, and Gender. Oldenburg: De Gruyter; 2020. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The starting point for this compilation is the wish to rethink the concept of antisemitism, race and gender in light of Sartre’s pioneering Réflexions sur la Question Juive seventy years after its publication. The book gathers texts by prestigious scholars from different disciplines in the Humanities and the Social Sciences, with the objective or revisiting this work locating it within the setting of two other pioneering – and we argue, related – publications, namely Simone De Beauvoir’s Le deuxième sexe of 1949 and Franz Fanon’s Peau noire et masques blancs of 1952. This particular and original standpoint sheds new light on the different meanings and political functions of the concept of antisemitism in a political and historical context marked by the post-modern concepts of multi-ethnicity and multiculturalism.

Weisz ML. Jews and Muslims in Contemporary Spain: Redefining National Boundaries. (Manuela Consonni). Oldenburg: De Gruyter; 2019. Publisher's VersionAbstract

The book analyzes the place of religious difference in late modernity through a study of the role played by Jews and Muslims in the construction of contemporary Spanish national identity. The focus is on the transition from an exclusive, homogeneous sense of collective Self toward a more pluralistic, open and tolerant one in an European context. This process is approached from different dimensions. At the national level, it follows the changes in nationalist historiography, the education system and the public debates on national identity. At the international level, it tackles the problem from the perspective of Spanish foreign policy towards Israel and the Arab-Muslim states in a changing global context. From the social-communicational point of view, the emphasis is on the construction of the Self–Other dichotomy (with Jewish and Muslim others) as reflected in the three leading Spanish newspapers.

Wistrich RS. Parallel Lines: Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism in the 21st Century. Posen Papers. 2017;(15). wistrich_antisemitism.pdf
Sharnoff M. Defining the Enemy as Israel, Zionist, Neo-Nazi or Jewish: The Propaganda War in Nasser's Egypt, 1952–1967. Posen Papers. 2017;(14). sharnoff-pp.pdf
Wistrich R. From Blood Libel to Boycott: Changing Faces of British Antisemitism. Posen Papers. 2017;(13). robert_pp13.pdf
Milson M. A European Plot on the Arab Stage. Posen Papers. 2017;(12). pp12_with_milsons_corrections.pdf
Las N. Secularism, Feminism, and Antisemitism: The Islamic Veil in France. Posen Papers. 2017;(11). nellylaslast.pdf
Weitzman M. Magical Logic: Globalization, Conspiracy Theory, and the Shoah. Posen Papers. 2017;(10).
Radai I. On the Road to Damascus: Bashar al-Asad, Israel, and the Jews. Posen Papers. 2017;(9). radai_corrected.pdf
Küntzel M. Unholy Hatreds: Holocaust Denial and Antisemitism in Iran. Posen Papers. 2017;(8). kuntzel.pdf
Phillips M, Wistrich R, Leibler I. Islam, British Society and the Terrorist Threat. Posen Papers. 2017;(7). pplondonistan.pdf
Brearley M. The Anglican Church, Jews and British Multiculturalism. Posen Papers. 2017;(6). ppbrearley.pdf
Wistrich RS. Antisemitism and Multiculturalism: The Uneasy Connection. Posen Papers. 2017;(5). pprobert.pdf
Gerstenfeld M. Antisemitism and Permissiveness in Dutch Society. Posen Papers [Internet]. 2017;(4). Publisher's Version
Kowner R. On Symbolic Antisemitism: Motives for the Success of the Protocols in Japan and its Consequences. Posen Papers. 2017;(3). ppkowner.pdf
Goodman DG. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Aum, and Antisemitismin Japan. Posen Papers. 2017;(2). goodman2.pdf
Joffe J. Nations We Love to Hate: Israel, America and the New Antisemitism. Posen Papers. 2017;(1). ppjoffe.pdf