Dr. Miguel Rivas Venegas
Miguel Rivas Venegas is a postdoctoral researcher at the EU Excellence Program María Zambrano (2022-today), and a former postdoctoral researcher at the Spanish Ministry of Science Program Juan de la Cierva Formación (2020-2022) at the University of the Basque Country. During his PhD research (2015-2018. Summa Cum Laude) at the UAM and the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, he worked on the compared analysis of visual communication and language use of transnational fascism (1931-1945). The study of national identities, monster narratives, conflictive memories and masculinities –both historical and contemporary– constitute the core of his on-going postdoctoral research.
He is part of the MINECO-funded research group Historical Memory in the Iberian Literatures (EHU/MHLI); The DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence EXC 2020 Temporal Communities: doing literature in a Global Perspective (FU Berlin); the research group Arts of Memory (FU Berlin); and the Erinnerungskultur und -politiken research team (TU Berlin). In early 2022, he joined the Experts Committee working on-site at the Valle de los Caídos, along with three other iconography experts under the supervision of the CSIC researcher and Memory Studies specialist Francisco Ferrándiz. His proficiency in German, English, Italian and Spanish and his passive knowledge of French and Basque facilitated his fruitful integration into multilingual academic milieus.
Miguel is also a lecturer of the MA Programme CYXAC, teaching “Repertorios y Líneas de Investigación” since 2020, and a former lecturer of the BA Program Grado en Creación y Diseño, imparting courses on Contemporary Visual Culture (2021-2022). In addition, he is the co-curator of «Memory and Art» joint venture project 2022-2026 between the EHU/MHLI and the Museum of Peace (Gernika).