Dr. Anna Pollmann
![anna anna](https://sicsa.huji.ac.il/sites/default/files/styles/profile_full/public/sicsa/files/picture_anna_sicsa.jpg?m=1546617833&itok=Bwdrn3XP)
Anna is currently Minerva - Post Doc Fellow at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem affiliated to the SICSA. She is working on a project on the Vietnam War Crimes Tribunals initiated by Bertrand Russell in 1966. Her focus is the intellectual and political milieu of the Tribunal and its meaning for the formation of a transnational left. She is especially interested in the reference to universal categories of law, particularly the genesis of the genocide concept within this framework.
In 2017 she defended her PhD thesis entitled Fragments from the End Time. Günther Anders on Mass Annihilation and Loss of History as part of a larger project dealing with the impact and understanding of the Holocaust in the German Left. She is co-editing a Volume on Holocaust reception in the 1950s and 1960s Blendungen. Geschichtsoptimismus und Katastrophenbewusstsein nach 1945, which will be published in 2019. From 2009 – 2016 Anna was a Research Associate at Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at Leipzig University, teaching Post War intellectual history. In 2008/09 she worked as Research Assistance within the project »History of the Jews in Germany since 1945« in collaboration with the Department for Jewish History and Culture at the University of Munich.
Among her recent publications is a comment on the opening remarks of Jean-Paul Sartre to the first session of the Vietnam War Crimes -Tribunal in Stockholm May 2–10, 1967 (http://www.geschichtemenschenrechte.de/schluesseltexte); the review Dokumente des ‚Nichtmisstrauen- könnens‘. Der Briefwechsel von Hannah Arendt und Günther Anders, in: Jüdische Geschichte & Kultur. Magazin des Simon Dubnow Instituts 2 (2018), 56f.; and several articles on Anders: Dialog ohne Welt. Täterschaft und moralische Erziehung in Günther Anders’ unveröffentlichtem Holocaust-Fragment „SS-Mann Kohn. Gespräch 1947“, in: Jörg Osterloh/Katharina Rauschenberger (Hgg.), Der Holocaust. Neue Studien zu Tathergängen, Reaktionen und Aufarbeitungen, Frankfurt a.M. 2017, 173 –191; Im Modus des Als-Ob. Günther Anders und das postmoderne Denken, in: Arndt Engelhardt u.a. (Hgg.), Ein Paradigma der Moderne. Jüdische Geschichte in Schlüsselbegriffen, Göttingen 2016, 351 –374. She contributed to the Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur with an article on „Zeugenschaft“ (im Auftrag der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig hg. von Dan Diner), Bd. 6, Stuttgart/Weimar (2015), 547–552.