On Sunday, 29-30 December 2019, SICSA held an international workshop, organized by Prof. Manuela Consonni, SICSA's director, and Prof. Bruno Chaouat, visiting scholar fellow at the center, on "Tradition, Ésotérisme and Fascism: Then and Now".
The workshop aimed to investigate links and relationships that have united groups of intellectuals and esoteric circles during the 1930s in Europe to the fascist regimes, and to deepen the impact and the influence that these ideological, intellectual and cultural bonds continue to exert on the present to identify the most significant moments of the exercise of this political-spiritual paideia of traditionalist orientation of past and present regimes.
List of the participants:
- Dr. Armon, Adi (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Dr. Berkovits, Balazs (University of Haifa)
- Dr. Casper, Michael (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; NYPL – Fordham University)
- Dr. Caradonna, Chiara (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Consonni, Manuela (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Chaouat, Bruno (University of Minnesota)
- Prof. Engel, Amir (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Feldman, Matthew (University of York; Richmond University, London)
- Prof. Gumbrecht, Hans-Ulrich (Stanford University; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. HaCohen, Ruth (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Idel, Moshe (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Dr. Laignel-Lavastine, Alexandra (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
- Prof. Sluhovsky, Moshe (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Prof. Rosenfeld, Alvin (Indiana University)
- Prof. Toker, Leona (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Dr. Varshizky, Amit (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
- Prof. Waysband, Edward (National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg)