Research Projects
Dr. Leonid Katsis (Russia)
The Ideological History of the Blood Libel in Russian Orthodox Thought from `The Book of a Neophite Monk` to the Beilis Trial`
Prof. Andras Kovacs (Hungary)
The Perception of Antisemitism among Jews in Contemporary Hungary: Results of a Survey
Starting with an empirical survey and interviews, the study will make a detailed examination of the present level and main aspects of post- Communist forms of antisemitism in Hungarian society. It will examine the connection of the present anti-Jewish prejudices with the traditional (religious, economic, cultural) stereotypes.
Dr. Hanna Wegrzynek (Poland)
The Origins of the Blood Libel Accusations in Poland
Pilot Projects
Danny Ben-Moshe (Australia)
Holocaust Denial in Australia
Dr. Joel Kotek (Belgium)
Antisemitism in Belgian and French Comic Strips (1933-2000)
Extensions - Second Year
Olaf Blaschke (Germany)
Rauch ohne Reuer. Die judische Haltung gegenuber Katholiken und ihrem Antisemitismus vor 1933
Philippe Oriol (France)
Bernard Lazare and Antisemitism
New Felix Posen Fellowships
Katell Berthelot (France)
The Accusation of Misanthropy Formulated against the Jews during the Hellenistic and Roman Period and its Jewish Answers
Stephanie Courouble (France)
Denial of the Holocaust and its Reception in the Public Space: France, England, Germany, Canada, and the United States
Michal Frankl (Czech Republic)
Czech Antisemitism 1879-1900, in the Context of European Antisemitism
Ulrich Bernard Herbeck (Germany)
The Bolsheviks and Antisemitism in the Russian Civil War 1917-1921
Max Likin (USA)
Engaged in History- Cecile Brunschvicg, Rene Cassin and Raymond Aron in Twentieth Century France
Jurgita Verbickiene (Lithuania)
Jews in Society of Grand Duchy of Lithuania: Aspects of Co-Living
Nicola Wenge (Germany)
Integration or Exclusion? Antisemitism and the Relations between Jews and non-Jews in Cologne 1918-1933
Extensions - Second Year
Dana E.Katz (USA)
Between Privilege and Perfidy: Portraying the Jew in Fifteenth-Century North Italian Painting
Catherine Poujol (France)
Aime Palliere (France 1875-1949), a Noachide`s Itinerary
Claudia Ursutiu (Romania)
Jewish Issues in the Romanian Parliament in the First Decade of the Interwar Period
Arkadi Zeltser (Israel)
The Jews of North-Eastern White Russia between the Two World Wars (1917-1941)